Singing Guide: Scissor Sisters

Singing Guide: Scissor Sisters

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Scissor Sisters, you need to master their distinctive blend of pop, rock, and disco-infused sound. They are known for their theatrical performance and flamboyant style, and this usually reflects in their singing too. Here, we have compiled a few tips that will help you sing like Scissor Sisters.

Master their falsetto

Scissor Sister's lead singer, Jake Shears, is known for his high-pitched falsetto voice. To sing like Scissor Sisters, you must master the falsetto technique. The falsetto technique involves the production of high pitch notes by the vibration of the vocal folds. You can use our vocal range test to find out your current falsetto range and work on building it.

Perform with flair

The Scissor Sisters' live performances are an explosion of colors, lights, and high energy. They incorporate their flamboyant style into their act, which makes them one of the most engaging performers. When performing Scissor Sister's songs, put on a live show that involves the audience, it will give you an edge. You can find tips on how to perform on our blog post about Tips for performing on stage.

Master their vibrato

Scissor Sisters' songs typically involve the use of vibrato, which adds flavor to their sound. Vibrato is the slight changing of pitch from a note's original pitch. You must have proper breath support and diaphragma control to master this technique. There are many exercises available to develop your vibrato - for example, this one that includes diaphragm bounce or Beggars Bounce.

Open Mouth-To-Throat

Scissor Sisters tend to produce an open sound with resonance. They demonstrate less nasality, which means they open their throat and mouth more while singing to produce a more pleasant sound. You can learn more about this technique from our article about Opening mouth and throat while singing.

Song Selection

When choosing songs to sing, pick ones that highlight the band's style and vocal techniques. Scissor Sisters' songs usually have complex harmonies, high vocal range, and vivid colors that showcase their unique musicality. You can find songs that match your vocal range and preference on our Song search tool.

Practice regularly

To improve your singing skills, practice regularly. Scissor Sister's style may be difficult to master, but discipline and diligence go a long way in making you sound like them. You can learn more about basic singing techniques from our Educational singing course.

If you follow the tips outlined above and keep practicing, you should be able to improve your skills in singing like Scissor Sisters. Singing Carrots also offers various tools, articles, and exercises that can help you develop exceptional singing skills. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.